As we prepare to enter a new year, let’s think about how good God has been to us, despite the various challenges we have faced. Many have been left broken into pieces and it seems like things will never be the same. Just remember that God can mend those broken pieces back together again.
Over the years, I have heard people take the words “Come as You Are” to mean various things. That phrase simply means that God wants us in our TRUE and PUREST form. No filters. Sometimes we tend to forget that He already knows of our imperfections, but He chooses to love us still. He loves and forgives us when we can find it hard to love and forgive ourselves. We can be our own worst critic and this type of behavior only delays our healing process.
God is willing and waiting to serve us in our spiritual hospital. It’s the place we go when we need a healing or care beyond what we can do for ourselves. The place to go when the home remedies just don’t work anymore. We are all sinners and have fallen short many times. None of us are perfect, therefore we all stand in need of something. When God says come as you are, that simply means come to me in whatever state you’re in and I will help you. We will never be perfect, so why wait until things get better? If you’re a liar, come on. If you’re an alcoholic, come on. If you’re broken hearted, come on. If you’re sick, just come on. Whatever it is that you need help with, I’m here with open arms waiting to receive you. God’s love for us is unconditional. He loves us no matter what faults or issues we have. All He simply wants us to do is come to Him.
How can we effectively give a testimony and tell of His goodness, if we have not been tried and tested? Trials and tribulations are given to make us strong in those areas we once may have been weak. No, those trying times do not feel good, but we must realize there is purpose in the pain. God has a purpose and plan for our lives far beyond what we can see, therefore, we must trust the process. He never said it would be easy, but it will be worth it.
As we step in to 2022, let’s focus more on our personal relationship with Christ. Whatever we are facing or will face, take comfort in knowing that He is and will be there to help us through it all. He wants us just the way we are broken, bruised, battered and scared. Whatever we are He loves us still. Let’s move forward and work on being all that God has called us to be in 2022. He loves us and wants us to come to Him just as we are!
I pray God’s Blessing of Healing, Restoration and Abundance for each of you in 2022!
Good info. Tx u for sharing
Tried, tested and forever trusting Him in and trough all things. Thanks so much for the reminder. God bless and keep you. ❤️
I’ve never heard the term spiritual hospital used. I like it. Thank you for the reminder that we are loved, just as we are.
This is a beautiful message! Thanks for sharing. 🙂